

Brandon Miller

    通常情况下,你梦想在家里摆放植物,但你有点担心,因为房间的光照不多,这对植物来说是致命的。 然而,有 在黑暗中生存的植物 它们可以无忧无虑地散落在环境中,当然,你需要做的是注意护理,以确保它们有很长的寿命!"!


    adiantum物种的植物是惊人的,因为它们的叶子不遵循常见的模式,而是整个毛茸茸的,给环境带来更多的个性。 这个物种的大多数版本在低光下生存得很好,也是在水族箱版本。

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    海棠的叶子和花的颜色范围很广,一些海棠在很少或没有光照的情况下也能存活。 例如雷克斯海棠在没有直接光照的情况下也能存活。 只是在浇水时要注意不要淹死它!让土壤干燥后再浇水。



    薄荷通常生长在沼泽中,所以只要你保持土壤湿润,并得到一些阳光,它就会很好。 如果一切顺利,你可以用你的植物来泡茶,放在沙拉中和鸡尾酒中。



    这种植物有一种复古的气息,就像你在祖母家找到的那种。 它是一种向下生长的植物,所以放在高处,如书架或厨房橱柜顶部,让它自由落体,是很了不起的。 它是初学者的理想植物,因为它不需要太多的照顾或照明。

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    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.