

Brandon Miller

    设计、形状、大小和颜色的多样性 使得水泥基材料--也被称为高性能混凝土--成为你想让墙面成为房间的主要吸引力时的肯定选择。 周围的表面,如天花板和地板,应该是中性和光滑的。 "Nina Martinelli公司的Priscila Maran解释说:"在砖石结构上的应用没有限制,但在干墙隔断中,值得检查结构是否能够支持板材的负荷。 建议使用的是制造商指定的柔性胶粘砂浆,并且是双层的。"将接收碎片的地方 它必须是干净和干燥的 如果它已经被涂过了,在表面打一个洞,这样砂浆就会附着在混凝土上",来自Palazzo的Antônio Bogo建议。 中性洗涤剂和水 专业建议:避免使用酸性配方。


    高浮雕式的错位线条为Quadrinhos(20 x 30厘米)赋予了个性,以低调的芬迪色调制造。 在Leroy Merlin网站上可以找到Adamá品牌。 每平方米93.90雷亚尔。


    Patchwork(18.5 x 18.5厘米)是传统葡萄牙瓷砖的复兴。 颜色有Grigio、Beige、Bianco和Concreto,这些作品经过防水处理。 作者:Nina Martinelli。 156.64美元/平方米。


    玛雅文明留下的数字是Tribu Grezzo Cinza(20 x 20厘米)的灵感来源。 该系列有三种设计和六种颜色,可以进行各种组合,来自Castelatto。 每平方米369美元。

    See_also: 现代厨房的81个灵感:现代厨房:81张照片和提示,获得灵感


    由设计师Carol Gay为Gauss/Grupo Passeio设计的Poly系列包括这个由矩形和梯形重叠组成的各种3D盘子,尺寸为10 x 20厘米。 有四种中性颜色,在Ibiza Acabamentos出售。


    Drix瓷砖(60 x 60厘米),具有3D效果,可以应用于内墙和外墙。 有灰色、白色和米白色的色调。 来自Palazzo。 每平方米480雷亚尔。


    See_also: 5个实用的家庭办公项目的灵感来源

    Pixel系列的产品,欢迎在内墙和外墙,有10种色调。直径16厘米,每边9.2厘米,来自Solarium Revestimentos。 每平方米505.17雷亚尔。

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.