

Brandon Miller

    他买了一个灯罩在一个 旧货店 或者厌倦了曾经是你在家里最喜欢的那件东西的样子? 用一点儿 "小东西 "来玩儿怎么样? DIY 来获得一个新的外观? 还有一个很酷的提示要记住,就是你用 LED灯 或节能灯,它们不会像老式白炽灯那样热,也不会融化你加在灯罩上的材料。





    发挥你的创造力,用一点热胶,小心翼翼地把纽扣粘到你选择的设计上。 为了配合房间的装饰,选择和粘贴类似颜色和色调的纽扣。 如果你觉得有灵感,把纽扣安排和粘贴成特定的设计,如条纹、边框,甚至是混搭的效果。


    用一个模版(购买或自制)和一些手工涂料,把一个简单的灯罩变成家中任何房间的现代主食。 用模版刷或小泡沫垫涂上你选择的涂料。 记得让涂料完全干燥后再把窗帘重新装到灯上。

    See_also: 你的女儿会喜欢的21个房间

    4. 金箔或银箔

    用金色或银色的树叶制作一个醒目的灯罩。 或者用金色或银色的喷漆来改造一个简单的灯罩。

  • 家具及配件评论:WiZ Hero是帮助你学习、睡眠和娱乐的灯具
  • 我的家庭DIY:纸扎灯
  • 5. 丝带碎片

    将丝带贴在穹顶的边缘,以增加一些色彩,用单色丝带覆盖整个穹顶,或使用几种颜色以增加效果。 你可以将丝带以十字形、垂直或水平设计缠绕在整个穹顶上。

    See_also: 定义了上个世纪的调色板有哪些?

    6. 装饰画

    创建一个五颜六色的拼贴画,包括 鲜花 或者用装饰画做背景,这是最简单的方法之一,你可以用它来更新你的灯罩!在网上找免费的艺术品来创造一个拼贴画,或者剪出你想要的形状,然后用装饰画介质来粘住。

    7. 绳子

    如果你需要一丝 波西米亚装饰 在一个房间里,拿着一根绳子,或者说是长长的绳子从 绞车 将其缠绕在圆顶上,用热胶固定在那里。


    如果你喜欢刺绣 另一种在灯罩上使用刺绣的方法是先用刺绣加强一块裁剪好的布料,然后把完成的布料粘在圆顶上。


    如果你有一件不再穿的毛衣,把它变成一个舒适的质地的灯罩。 在冬天,给室内带来一点额外的温暖。

    *Via 云杉

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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.