

Brandon Miller

    在墙壁上安装玻璃砖本来是为了给来自圣保罗的图书管理员哈丽达-费尔南德斯(Hálida Fernandes)的浴室带来新的面貌,但结果却是灾难性的:"除了瓷砖的排列和平整问题外,许多瓷砖都是破损的,安装人员干脆决定将这些瓷砖聚集在一起,用灌浆料涂抹。 面对这个糟糕的结果,唯一的解决办法是面对Hálida随后求助于建筑师Daniel Tesser,她在Minhacasa看到过他的作品--在有关文章中,这位专业人士提出了像她这样小的水槽的解决方案。 于是Hálida订购了一个项目,以优化减少的2.60平方米的面积,当然,也取消了不合适的衬里。 这次的工作,只产生了良好的效果。惊喜。

    See_also: 厨房布局的权威指南!

    - 瓷砖使房间看起来更小了,因此想到用大块的瓷片(45 x 90厘米)来代替它们。

    - 占据半面墙的镜子也为房间的视觉放大做出了贡献。

    - 公寓里唯一的浴室是由哈丽达、她的丈夫和她的两个女儿共用的,同时也供客人使用。

    花了多少钱? 8884雷亚尔

    - 水槽台面: PRDJ Marmoraria,508,43雷亚尔,侏儒大理石(42 x 40厘米,18厘米的踏板)。

    - 配套碗: Leroy Merlin, R$ 242.55.

    - 瓷片: 9.7平方米的Travertino Bianco(45 x 90厘米),由Portobello.Telhanorte制作,908.70雷亚尔。 箱子里:6平方米的LIFE HD BE(22.5 x 90厘米,731.50雷亚尔)和2.5平方米的LIFE HD BE Hard Deck(45 x 90厘米,209.80雷亚尔)都由Portinari. Empório Revestir.

    - 镜面抛光: 1.06 x 1.40 m. Dunis玻璃厂,330雷亚尔。

    - 桉树刨花: 七件2.20 x 3米的作品。 Leroy Merlin,52.92雷亚尔。

    See_also: 如何去除车库地板上的深色污渍?

    - 人力: 执行整个翻新工程。 Raimundo Inocêncio, R$ 3650。

    - 项目: 建筑师Daniel Tesser,2250雷亚尔。


    - L形的工作台面甚至利用了马桶后面的角落。 由于没有橱柜,卫生用品被放置在挖在拳击区的壁龛里。

    - 为了在不失去光线或通风的情况下获得隐私,窗户采用了木质板条。 在它们后面,有人造植物。

    *宽度x深度x高度。 价格在2013年12月9日至12日期间研究,可能会有变化。 .

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.