

Brandon Miller

    正在寻找新的物种添加到你的花园中吗? 天竺葵 在夏季,它们的色调或香味很受欢迎,其特点取决于将要选择的类型。

    容易生长和发展的地方 兵马俑花瓶 它们可以单独种植,也可以与其他植物结合种植--薰衣草和龙葵是不错的选择。 一些天竺葵也可以种植在 吊篮 .

    因为一些人提供的香水 树枝和可食用的叶子 它们作为草药出售。 它们的颜色范围从 粉红色、红色、紫色、青铜色和白色 他们喜欢 阳光充足,土壤湿润但排水良好,并受益于中性或碱性土壤 请记住,生产条件因每个天竺葵而异。

    注意事项 :对狗和猫来说可能是有毒的。



    See_also: 起居区甚至有一个花园里的壁炉

    种植时,使用不含泥炭的多用途堆肥和缓释肥料。 如果你选择的是 花瓶 与其他物种一起,始终保持浇水。

  • 花园和蔬菜 如何种植和护理香樟树
  • 花园和蔬菜 如何在花盆中种植马纳卡-达-塞拉?
  • 在夏天结束的时候、 割苗 如果你喜欢把它作为室内植物来养,让它开花到秋天或冬天,并把它放在远离暖气片或壁炉的地方。


    在春天、 施用液体肥料 并增加浇水。


    想为你的天竺葵花园添砖加瓦吗? 移除第三节以上和生长顶端以下的枝条。 用一把干净的刀,去除除前两片以外的所有叶子。 尽量做精确切割。

    填充塑料罐子 浇水并将幼苗插入堆肥中约1厘米。

    将花盆放在温暖的地方,但不要太暖和。 别忘了给它们贴上标签,以免与收获的其他品种相混淆。


    带状天竺葵易受以下因素影响 天竺葵锈病 - 这是一种真菌病,通常在潮湿的夏天或植物生长在通风不良的环境中会变得更糟。 通过检查叶子背面的褐色斑点很容易发现它--那些被覆盖的叶子应该被销毁。

    See_also: 如何在花盆中种植沙拉?

    *Via 园艺家世界

  • 花园和蔬菜 19个回收锡盆的灵感
  • 花园和蔬菜 邪恶之眼的组合:胡椒、Arruda和圣乔治之剑
  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.