

Brandon Miller

    我相信你一定听说过关于玻璃淋浴房在浴室中爆裂的最可怕的故事,我相信你也曾被淋浴后玻璃的 "油腻 "外观所困扰。 但这些问题是可以解决的。 玻璃确实是一种耐用的材料,但这并不意味着你的淋浴房不需要经过 定期维护 毕竟,随着使用时间和温度的变化,结构会受到损害。

    主要的 造成事故的 他警告说:"我建议每六个月做一次保养,而且一定要找有资质的公司,因为只有专业人员才能保证产品的安全和质量。

    See_also: Cachepot: 装饰模板: Cachepot: 35个模型和花瓶来装饰魅力你的家


    裂缝决不能被忽视,因为它们可能会越来越大,并使部分玻璃脱离。 Érico解释说,淋浴房的材料应该是 8毫米厚的钢化玻璃 值得注意的是,钢化玻璃不能被修复,也就是说,如果它被打碎了,必须完全更换。 保护膜 他说:"如果玻璃碎了,碎片仍然粘在表面,而不是到达那些处于环境中的人。


    不要使用酸和研磨剂,如钢丝球。 技术人员说,最理想的是用水和中性肥皂清洗硬件,总是用海绵的软面和无绒布。 警告:漂白剂和氯气 会损坏玻璃 建议仅用以下材料清洁 温水 - 这甚至有助于去除油脂污渍。

    See_also: 生物亲和力:绿色外墙为越南的这所房子带来好处

    你也可以在浴室里放一把刮刀(就像水槽里的那种),以便在洗澡后清除玻璃上多余的肥皂。 而且,为了随时保持玻璃的清洁,可以使用产品 防雾。


    切勿将淋浴间作为毛巾和衣服的支撑物,或将吸盘放在玻璃上,因为悬挂的物体会损坏配件和卡住导轨。 如果淋浴间的水开始漏出,你应该去检查淋浴间。 玻璃和硬件之间的密封 并非所有的泄漏都是可以察觉的,但有些情况是问题的征兆,如墙漆上的污渍、地板剥落、油漆起泡或发霉的迹象",Érico警告说。

  • 组织 如何安全地清洁浴室区域
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    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.