

Brandon Miller

    光滑或粗糙的地板,坚固或柔软的刷毛,室内或室外区域 这些都是在选择扫帚时值得注意的一些细节,这些细节在清洁时起到了不同的作用! 苏伦-维亚纳 的合作伙伴。 贝塔宁 他在Instagram上以幽默的方式处理这个问题,市场正越来越关注消费者的需求。

    她指出:"你只需看看超市的清洁过道,就能注意到在售扫帚的选择范围。 有不同的尺寸、形状和技术来满足任何需求,"她指出。 而面对如此多的选择,为了不出错,这位影响者强调了选择产品时应注意的两大要点: 鬃毛的类型和地板。


    据苏伦说、 扫帚的鬃毛决定了扫帚的使用方式。 有刷毛较硬的扫帚,有较软和较有弹性的扫帚,也有混合两种刷毛的扫帚。

    "带有硬刷子的扫帚适合于户外清洁,有 质朴的、水泥的和石头的地板 例如,当有大量纸张需要清扫时,它们是理想的选择,而柔软的建议用于精细的清洁,因为它们有足够的弹性和重量,不会划伤表面",他解释说。

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    带混合刷毛的型号适用于所有类型的清洁:"当需要清扫地板时,带这种技术的扫帚是很好的选择。 由于具有双重功能,硬刷毛对结实的污垢起作用,软刷毛则清扫灰尘、头发和麸皮",他补充说。


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    据这位影响者说,有一个万无一失的小窍门来识别扫帚毛的类型:"我总是告诉我的追随者,在商店里自己测试产品、 把他按在地上。 他强调说:"这样就可以检查出刷子的硬度或弹性是否更强。


    在了解了刷毛类型及其功能的差异后,有必要分析一下房子里的地板类型。 外部区域一般都有粗糙的地板,需要更重的清洁,因此需要使用刷毛更耐磨的扫帚。


    See_also: 学习如何安装固定玻璃板


    另一点是,污垢通常是由头发、碎屑、毛发、非常小而轻的物品组成的,这些物品不会被带有硬毛的扫帚有效处理。"我的厨房地板是由瓷质瓷砖制成的,我不能太小心,以免刮伤它!"纳。 清洁时间、 他补充说:"我通常使用带有柔软自然毛发的扫帚。

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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.