

Brandon Miller

    如果你想节省时间并使环境的所有部分不受污染,就必须使用正确的产品。 有了它们,消毒工作就会变得快速而实用。按照我们的清洁步骤,开始工作吧!



    首先用Sapol镭射凝胶涂在柔软的湿布或海绵的软面上,彻底清洗和冲洗盒子玻璃。 它是清洁精致表面的理想产品,可以在不刮伤的情况下去除身体脂肪和其他污垢。

    See_also: 我可以在瓷砖地板上铺设层压板吗?

    2. 镜子

    要清洁镜子,请使用Pratice防雾剂。 只需涂抹在玻璃上,该产品就会立即形成一层防雾膜。 更重要的是,它使下次清洁更容易,防止油脂堆积,使玻璃更有光泽。


    用Sapólio Radium Espuma Ativa清洁书架、绘画和漆面或Formica台面。 这款超级清洁剂采用气雾剂形式,具有强大的泡腾泡沫,可以去除最难处理的污渍。

    4.CUBA PIA

    将镭射氯磺酸盐粉末直接涂抹在水槽碗中,用柔软的湿布或海绵的软面擦拭,然后加水,再冲洗。 它非常适合去除最难处理的污垢,让一切都闪闪发光。

    See_also: 逐步在花盆中种植西红柿


    首先用Sapol镭射氯粉清洗,用Pinho Bril Accept定向喷头消毒,在冲水前放置10分钟,最后涂上Pinho Bril Accept胶水。


    扫完地后,涂上Pratice Shine Cleaner,它可以清洁和擦亮所有类型的地板。 有一些版本可以用于硬地板、复合地板和瓷器瓷砖。 无需冲洗。


    清除垃圾,用Sapol镭射氯粉充分清洗垃圾桶,用Pinho Bril消毒,以杀死病菌和细菌,在Limpex多功能布上涂抹,最后放上新的Pro-Trash Bag水槽和浴室。



    Limpex mágica Gigante: 吸收、清除和保留表面灰尘的能力强

    Limpex Multiuso:实用、卫生,是清洁水槽、餐具和瓷砖的理想产品。


    No Ar 一触即发:有四种香味,给环境带来新鲜感和幸福感。

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.