

Brandon Miller

    如果他不是一名外科医生,吉列尔梅-丹塔斯可能会成为一名伟大的建筑管理员。 从选择设计他梦想中的公寓的Estúdio Mova公司,到在墙上挂画,他计划的一切都成功了,除了建筑公司的拖延。 当他终于拿到钥匙时,定制的橱柜已经准备好,等待安装和她自豪地说:"当我回到家,看到一切都像我想象的那样,我非常高兴。


    Mova工作室(现在包括Alessandra Leite)的合伙人William Veras和Heloisa Moura设计了一个可扩展的桌子,当打开时,会有两个铁脚。 这个作品使架子具有连续性(见文章开头的照片)。 由Artes Úteis Móveis e Decoração公司执行( R$ 2 600 ).

    See_also: 我们的月亮星座是否相容?


    º 厨房的瓷砖,由艺术家João Henrique ( R$ 525 o m²),是最先选择的项目。

    由于社交区没有窗户,一个好的照明设计是必不可少的。 隐藏在石膏天花板下的LED灯带产生了连续的光线,从瓷砖上反弹下来,产生了令人愉快的漫射效果,辅之以LED二色光的凹陷点和吊灯灯丝。


    厨房的柜台(1)被推倒,使房间与客厅融为一体。 浴室前面的空间成为一个更衣室(2),同时,也成为从私密翼到社交翼的过渡。 窗户(3)只在卧室,里面有一个家庭办公室(4)。

    See_also: 10座高跷上的无重力房屋


    正是在床的一侧,与面板和床头柜融为一体,建筑师找到了主人要求的长凳的位置,而大鞋架则在床脚下的瓷砖墙上(线性白色,10 x 30厘米,由Eliane. C&C、 R$ 64,90 如果我们用比鞋架更深的高大衣柜占据这个空间,卧室就会有幽闭恐惧症",建筑师说。 卧室、更衣室、浴室和厨房的细木工制品是由Kit House(共 R$ 34 660 ).

    Guilherme非常喜欢的黑色家具在这个私密的区域占了上风,但并没有让它看起来更小。 秘密是什么? 威廉说:"深色的衣柜是一条隧道,改变了从没有自然光的客厅到非常明亮的卧室的人对光线的感觉。


    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.