

Brandon Miller

    世界上一些领先的绘画和装饰公司已经采用不同色调的绿色作为2022年的颜色。 他们中的许多人似乎正在转向柔和的、粉色的绿色,也带来灰色和蓝色的混合。

    十月的薄雾 由本杰明-摩尔或 常青的雾 考虑到这一点,在你计划重新装修你的家时,我们想与你分享一些绿色的最美丽的房间。


    在接下来的几个月里,你会发现绿色越来越多,而且它不仅仅是被归入卧室或办公室的东西。 起居室 这种从蓝色和黄色转向许多绿色的原因是多方面的。

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    首先,它是一种代表着的颜色 新的开始、希望和新的生活 - 在城市环境中,绿色植物提供了这种机会,即使只是视觉上的。


    根据科学和 风水 如果你想把卧室改造成一个 "绿色 "的地方,绿色无疑是最好的颜色。 安息之所 它是一种自然的颜色 放松 这让人感到安心,也给空间带来了新鲜感,而不会让空间充满太多的色彩。




    更换旧床单、 床单 , 枕头 如果你喜欢这样的外观,可以在房间里为那些在未来几个月内的绿色花瓶采取进一步的措施。 绿色的特色墙。 在为你的生活添加基调时,要有创意!


    *Via デコレストランド

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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.