

Brandon Miller

    冰箱磁铁上有可回收和不可回收材料的清单。 这个想法是由环境顾问Helena Kindi创造的,帮助圣保罗的公寓居民正确分类他们的垃圾。可以通过(11)3661-2537或电子邮件与顾问Helena Kindi联系。 我们的可持续发展页面有更多关于生态装饰和建筑的报告。

    可回收物: 报纸、杂志、信纸、信封、笔记本、印刷品、草稿、传真纸、复印件、电话簿、海报、纸屑、纸板箱和长寿命包装;

    不可回收: 油腻或肮脏的纸张(如餐巾纸和卫生纸)、胶布和标签、金属化的纸张(零食和饼干)、塑化的纸张(如肥皂粉)、打蜡的纸张和照片。

    可回收物: 罐子、包装、杯子、瓶子、清洁和个人卫生产品的瓶子、袋子和麻袋、用过的塑料用具(水桶、笔等)、塑料玩具、泡沫塑料;

    不可回收的 一次性尿布,金属化包装,贴纸,锅把手,泡沫,厨房海绵,插座和其他热固性塑料,丙烯酸,玻璃纸。

    可回收物: 瓶盖、锡罐和罐头食品、金属餐具、锅盖和无柄锅、钉子(已包装)、一次性包装、铝箔(干净);

    See_also: 海棠:了解不同的类型以及如何在家里照顾它们

    不可回收: 油漆罐、清漆、化学溶剂和杀虫剂、气雾剂、钢制海绵、回形针、大头针、订书针。

    可回收物 重要提示:不论是整件还是分件,产品必须用报纸或纸板包裹;

    不可回收: 镜子、钢化玻璃、耐火玻璃(Pyrex)、瓷器或陶瓷餐具、水晶、灯具、特殊玻璃(如烤箱和微波炉的盖子)、药水瓶。


    - 在送去回收之前,必须对材料进行清洗;

    - 纸张、塑料、金属和玻璃可以放在一起,不需要按类型分开;

    - 为了减少体积,可将铁罐和塑料瓶压碎;

    See_also: 玫瑰人生:8种粉色叶片的植物

    - 不要把电池扔进垃圾中,因为它们是有毒的,必须在公寓里进行处理;

    - 不要把用过的油扔进下水道。 等它冷却后,把它放在塑料瓶里并盖好。 然后,把它送到公寓的收集器里,或者在最坏的情况下,把它和不可回收的废物一起装瓶处理。

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.