认识一下 "偷看 "的完全Instagram化的办公室

 认识一下 "偷看 "的完全Instagram化的办公室

Brandon Miller

    O 窃取外观、 时尚、美容和生活方式内容的平台,在Vila Madalena的新办公室恢复了团队的面对面工作,项目由建筑师开发。 Ana Rozenblit 的,是 内部空间 .是 200m² 分为两层 综合性的 e 玻璃面板 在这里可以看到城市周围的景色,粉色、灰色、绿色和白色的色调和谐地连接在一起,装饰上有很多物品。 托克&斯托克。

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    独家细节出现在与Casa Neon合作开发的带有 "The Look Stealers "字样的粉红色LED,以及整合两层楼的粉红色楼梯。 项目的开发和执行花了大约九个月。

    "这个项目是一个梦想的具体化,这就是为什么我们考虑了每一个细节,以便我们能够拥有可通过Instagram拍摄的空间,产生对团队的归属感和我们社区对了解这个地方的渴望。 曼努埃拉-博尔达什 该公司还旨在到2023年欢迎追随者进入该领域。

    Tok&Stok的装修依赖于该品牌提供的名为Meu Ambiente的工具:建筑师Gabriela Saraiva Accorsi策划了产品,以满足Steal the Look的所有需求,从而根据Ana Rozenblit的项目,用Tok&Stok的家具和生产进行个性化的装修。


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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.