

Brandon Miller

    海的颜色,水绿色,蓝绿色,各种深浅不一的蓝色,甚至是紫罗兰色都会染上双鱼家的物品、家具或墙壁。 光线总是被过滤的--海王星,这个星座的统治者,希望有大海的透明光亮。 浅色的木头,浅色的装饰元素和柔软的地毯(双鱼座与人体的脚有关)将装饰这个流动和细腻的房子。 双鱼座的人喜欢圆润的形状,喜欢用轻薄的布料做窗帘,喜欢用丝线做的披肩扔在沙发上。 精致的香和精油在这个房子里散发着香味,创造出浪漫的气氛--双鱼座通常是伟大的恋人。 你的房子会有烛光晚餐,有催情的食谱,这种精致的感觉非常符合这个星座的人的喜好。 梦想,他能够花一杯酒--是的,他喜欢喝--伴随着这些放松的时刻。

    See_also: 为了节省空间,设计师把床放在天花板上

    然而,和谐和对称并不总是在这个宫位中占主导地位。 双鱼座非常混乱,像海洋一样,很少把东西放在同一个地方,所以如果你和他们中的一个人住在一起,要准备忍受一定程度的混乱。 一个真正的双鱼座会知道如何奖励他们的伴侣,因为这个小缺陷。

    双鱼座的人不会放弃充满植物和轻轻摆动的鱼的水族箱--这是双子座的统治者水星的待遇,它占据了这些双鱼座的第四宫。 双子座也影响了多色的表现,在条纹和格子中,但在粉色的色调中,双子座的人出现在微妙的色调中。 混合颜色和回忆水的Muranos。窗户上的水晶,将彩虹的颜色散布在屋内,给人一种水生环境的错觉。


    金属: 锡和铂

    颜色: 淡紫色、蓝绿色、白色和柔和的色调

    树木: 柳树和无花果树

    香水: 风信子、紫罗兰和淡紫色

    石头: 紫晶

    月亮在双鱼座的人收集: 蜡烛、CD和葡萄酒。

    这个星座喜欢什么: 花园;面纱;蜡烛和香;暖烛器;水晶;乐器;水彩画;支撑画布的画架;家庭影院;有美味饮料的酒吧;音响和CD;照相机;床;仙女、侏儒和精灵。

    See_also: 为您的浴室淋浴房选择合适玻璃的6个技巧

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.