

Brandon Miller

    这套45平方米的公寓是位于圣保罗的一个开发项目的模型,该项目是Minha Casa, Minha Vida计划的一部分。受Graal Engenharia建筑公司的委托,SP Estudio办公室的建筑师Fabiana Silveira和Patricia de Palma在创建该项目时面临的挑战是在不放弃的情况下尽可能多的取悦于人。客户要求的是一种低调的装饰,但同时又是有趣和舒适的。 这样,我们选择了中性色调,另一方面,我们滥用了纹理和温暖的材料,这些材料提供了舒适性,并起到了区别对待的作用",法比安娜解释说。


    建筑师的策略之一是对焦点进行投资,例如电视的表面,它赢得了模仿明显的砖头的涂层(Anatólia Anticato Traditional,23 x 7 cm,Palimanan)--除了增加明显的魅力,它还与部分细木家具的木质表面相匹配。

    See_also: 装饰走廊的7个好主意

    这些元素构成了中性的基础,还有沙发和其他家具以及一些墙壁上的灰色油漆(颜色为Repose Gray,参考号SW 7015,由Sherwin-Williams制作)。 坐垫和图片的选择也是由柔和的色调引导的。

    除了对比之外,地毯还带来了现代感(格拉纳达灰蓝色,2 x 2.50米,Corttex. Wiler-K,1035雷亚尔)。




    木质板条吊坠(类似型号:编号SU006A,直径25厘米,高45厘米,由Bella Iluminação.iLustre出品,每个321.39雷亚尔)形成了一种现代伙伴关系。

    在厨房和客厅的交界处有30厘米深的美式柜台,为快速用餐提供了场所。 请注意,该作品在厨房一侧延伸(16厘米深),在那里它支持餐具。

    地板砖(Metrô Sage,10 x 20厘米,由Eliane Bertolaccini设计,53.10雷亚尔/平方米)突出了水槽墙。



    这对夫妇选择只使用一个床头柜(Lin,40 x 35 x 40厘米*,由MDP制成,有桉树脚。 Tok&Stok,295雷亚尔)--在床的另一侧,放置了一个小桌子。

    See_also: 烧焦的水泥墙给这个86平方米的公寓带来了阳刚和现代的感觉。

    法比安娜说:"我们希望孩子们的卧室有一种玩耍的气氛,"因此,书桌和带抽屉的床在与墙面贴纸(黑色三角形套件,有36块7×7厘米。 科拉,63雷亚尔)结合后变得更加有趣。


    *宽度x深度x高度。 2016年10月研究的价格。

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.