

Brandon Miller

    Cury Construtora公司的任务是提供良好的解决方案,以最佳方式利用缩小的平面图,该公司位于南太平洋的Praia Grande,而看似神奇的是,通过详细的布局研究,由建筑公司提供房间和定制家具的整合。 最后的润色,保证了诱人的氛围,丰富了结果,采取的是标志性的我们的想法是抛开海岸上的房子必须有海滩气氛的陈词滥调,滥用白色和蓝色。 多样化的色调使一切都更加现代,同样令人愉快",这位专业人士解释说。


    ❚ 在社交区,结果是通过环境的结合来实现的,而在私密的侧翼,细木工制品解决了:姐妹俩的卧室(1)有一张悬空的床,下面是一张书桌。


    中性并不意味着缺乏个性。 考虑到这一点,马西为客厅选择了两种灰色(Veil, ref. 00NN 53/000, and Coral's Toque de Cinza, ref. 30BB 72/003),同色的地毯和白色的家具。 但是,当然,她在邻近的空间添加了一些强烈的色调,使它们有一个身份。卧室和浴室的入口处:温暖的条纹墙纸(Smart Stripes,编号3505。 Nicnan House,卷10 x 0.50米)。

    ❚ 用餐区充分利用了由规划公司制作的细木工制品。 木质餐桌与长椅、设计师椅和相同表面处理的面板相伴。


    白色主导了整个场景,加强了客厅和厨房的亮度。 马西将这种颜色用于墙面和所有的家具--少量的木质材料满足了舒适感。 房间的结合由美式柜台(1.05 x 0.30 x 1.02 m*)提供,与洗衣房的结合非常微妙:只有一个固定的玻璃隔断。

    See_also: 如何根据风水学来装饰你的墙壁



    See_also: 什么!你能用咖啡浇灌植物吗?

    ❚ 浪漫,这对夫妇的卧室有花卉图案,让人想起普罗旺斯风格。 纸张被贴在床头板的墙上,边上是两个垂直的木质结构,是按尺寸制作的。

    其中一个表面用精致的几何纸装饰,另一个则用油漆(Porção de Amoras, ref. 3900, by Coral. Tintas MC, 800 ml can)和聚丙烯蝴蝶装饰品(Monarch Wall, ref. 274585. Tok& Stok, pack of 24)加强。

    ❚ 儿童房的伟大之处在于对面积的利用:两张床被安排在同一面3.31米的墙上,但其中一张床是悬空的,开辟出较低的空间作为学习角。

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.