

Brandon Miller

    我们的报告测试并证明了这一点:作为一个周末的泥水匠,有可能在不需要专业劳动力的情况下完成整个踢脚板的安装。 当然,有一些执行的小秘密,说明了无可挑剔的服务--但我们为你揭开了这一切!唯一的缺点是混乱,无论是否有专业人员参与游戏都不可避免。

    作为室内装饰的传统元素,完成墙壁和天花板交接的模子仍然有很高的需求,与模子相比,是一种更经济的选择。 尽管放置的预算很高,但这些作品很便宜--一个简单的模型,1米,平均花费2雷亚尔。网上商店的老板Ulisses Militao(如图)说:"石膏的秘密是什么? 应MINHA CASA的要求,石膏匠教授石头的方法,并展示一步步的安装,让你自己动手,节省开支。

    See_also: 莲花:了解其含义以及如何使用该植物进行装饰



    Ulisses Militão的建议:最好的效果是在石膏还潮湿的时候,所以要在安装前24小时,甚至在安装当天购买:"干燥的作品有翘起的风险",他警告说。 另一个聪明的措施是在铺设前刮掉法棍的背面和侧面。 这是因为制造商会在表面涂上油脂,以防止完成的石膏抹灰工解释说:"当你磨损它们时,这种保护就会消失,你会得到更多的孔隙,这对胶水的附着力是一个重要因素"。 在处理时要小心,因为模型很容易破碎。 最后,你应该知道,安装后,房间将需要重新粉刷,因为固定模具的浆料以及完成它们的油漆,肯定会将对天花板和墙壁进行染色。

    See_also: 学习如何在家里准备主题晚餐


    来自圣保罗的建筑师Joia Bergamo说:"直线设计的长棍是一种趋势,使任何空间都变得别致和现代"。 她建议避免那些充满细节和曲线的华丽的长棍,因为它们给人一种古董的感觉,也避免太薄的长棍。 但是不要忘记考虑环境的尺寸来决定作品的宽度,正如这位来自圣保罗的建筑师所说。Andrea Pontes:"天花板很高的大房间可以使用更大的装饰",至于小的地方...... "用不超过15厘米的条带看起来更和谐",她建议。 颜色可以不同,尽管大多数人热衷于白色,它提供了一个经典的外观。"然而,如果空间被涂成一个强烈的色调,你不想把所有的目光吸引到rodateto,不要犹豫,把框架染成和墙壁一样的颜色",安德烈亚辩护说。


    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.