有可能在家里给家具上漆 是的!看看你需要什么

 有可能在家里给家具上漆 是的!看看你需要什么

Brandon Miller

    我应该事先警告你:你可能第一次不会做对,也许第二次也不会,这并不意味着漆面是个大问题。"事实上,做的时间比做的难度要大,"来自贝伦的室内设计师Marilza Gusmão说,她从一个橱柜制造商那里学到了这种技术。 当然,她作为艺术家的技能使事情变得更容易、但是,据她说,最主要的是不要害怕--开始上漆是一个需要尝试和错误的过程,以及一把枪和一台空气压缩机。 因此,这不是那些只想改造一件特定家具的人的事情,也不适合那些匆忙的人:"如果你跳过步骤,你将有一件被喷漆的家具,而不是上漆",她说。 所以,现在是卷起袖子的时候了


    ❚ 上漆前在整个作品上涂抹快速腻子是最费力的步骤之一,但却是达到专业漆面光滑效果的根本。

    See_also: 小卧室的40个必备技巧

    ❚ 注意油漆!不使用丙烯酸、搪瓷或喷涂--木片、中密度纤维板或胶合板的油漆应使用硝化纤维漆、汽车漆或P.U.(聚氨酯基)。"我更喜欢硝化纤维漆,因为它干得非常好,而且我非常喜欢最终的结果。"Marilza说,他建议使用同一品牌的底漆、腻子和油漆。

    ❚ 正确的工具有助于:拥有一台空气压缩机是必不可少的,有些型号已经配备了一把喷漆枪--比如Chiaperini(Loja do Mecânico)的Ar Direto G3。 拥有第二把枪可以加快进程,因为在从底漆到油漆的过程中,不需要中断服务来清洁它。他警告说:"这与压缩机的压力水平有关。



    ❚ 护目镜或面具

    See_also: 7个比我们的房子更别致的狗窝

    ❚ 一副手套

    ❚ 保护性篷布

    ❚ 100号和150号砂纸

    ❚ 动力砂光机(可选)

    ❚ 毛巾袋

    ❚ 塑料抹刀

    ❚ 混合器

    ❚ 空气压缩机和喷枪(可选择额外的枪)。

    溶剂或稀释剂;我们使用B-52稀释剂(900毫升罐装),来自Tintas Veloz。

    ❚ 硝化纤维漆的底漆;我们用的是Sherwin-Williams的Lazzulac汽车系列的Primer Surfacer Rápido(900毫升罐),白色的。

    ❚ 腻子;我们使用了Sherwin-Williams的Lazzuril汽车系列(900毫升罐),白色的。

    ❚ 硝化纤维漆;我们使用了Sherwin-Williams公司的Lazzulac汽车系列(900毫升罐装),颜色为绿松石Acqua(来自Lazzumix颜色制备系统)。

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.