

Brandon Miller

    我们中的许多人都面临着生活中的不便。 小空间 越来越多的业主正在全力打造一体化的环境,看看如何使一个 总部办公室 在客厅里不失为一种风格。

    有几种方法可以做到:在视觉上将空间分开,或者将它们完全放在一起。 家具可以是匹配的,也可以是对比的,以划分区域。 将办公室放在哪里,才能尽可能地受益? 让我们来看看一些想法。


    O 沙发后面的空间 往往是低调的,但它是家庭办公室的理想选择!在那里放置一张你喜欢的书桌--它可以与空间相匹配,也可以不相匹配,以获得对比鲜明的外观,后者是一个很好的想法,在视觉上将办公室分开。


    See_also: 现在就采取4个步骤来组织你的文书工作! 私人:为你的家庭办公桌提供12种植物的想法
  • 环境 42个小型家庭办公室的灵感
  • 环境 如何将衣柜改造成家庭办公室
  • 其他地方

    另一个想法是,将一个 靠近窗户的桌子 将家庭办公室放在墙上,使用浮动式书架和办公桌,有足够的光线。


    See_also: 粘土房在乌拉圭很受欢迎


    *Via 挖掘机

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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.