在这个位于梅尔岛(Ilha do Mel)的旅馆,所有的房间都能看到海景。

 在这个位于梅尔岛(Ilha do Mel)的旅馆,所有的房间都能看到海景。

Brandon Miller

    巴拉那州的旅游海滩。 梅尔岛 它以其海岸线、小径、动物、洞穴和无数其他自然活动而闻名。 因为它不允许汽车进入,并对游客人数有限制,所以它是一个备受游客追捧的目的地,寻求远离拥挤的海滩度假区的庇护。

    为了增加这种情况,豪华旅馆 Ilha do Mel Lodges 该旅馆位于地峡海滩,距离巴西利亚码头500米,拥有阁楼式旅馆,可以看到海和梅尔岛其他旅游景点的前后景色。


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  • 新闻 🍕 我们在Housi的必胜客主题房间里呆了一晚上!
  • 负责该企业的商人Tairone Passos说:"我们建造这个旅馆是为了不让客人不幸地住在'里屋'。 这样,除了可以看到Ilha das Palmas、Farol das Conchas和Fortaleza的景色外,空间从外面面向大海,从Ilha do Mel内部面向大海。普拉泽斯的夫人。

    See_also: 在这个位于梅尔岛(Ilha do Mel)的旅馆,所有的房间都能看到海景。

    "Pousada的整个区域都建有高台,这使得土地上的植物群得以保持。 此外,我们没有干扰动物群的日常活动。 客人可以遇到在这里活动的小动物和许多鸟类,"这位商人评论道。

    See_also: 15个户外淋浴的想法,让你的后院焕然一新

    打算在住宿期间工作的游客有一个有保障的结构,住宿中提供光纤Wi-Fi。 客人在家庭办公室可以享受的其他设施有空调、感应式手机充电器、迷你厨房和私人阳台,在不同的视野下工作。

    为了前往pousada,客人可以使用航海出租车在专用坡道上岸。 而对于那些需要更快到达的人,与一家空中出租车公司合作,pousada还为客人提供直升机服务,直接从库里提巴运送到岛上。 在首都和海岸之间有25分钟的行程,费用为服务。

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  • 建筑 最后我们有了一家星际大战酒店,可以在银河系中进行冒险!
  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.