

Brandon Miller

    谁从来没有在日常繁忙的工作中,甚至没有打开熨衣板就把一件上衣熨在床上,谁就犯了一个最常见的错误--滥用熨斗,除了损坏织物外,还可能烧坏床上的床单或床罩。 始终保持衣服熨烫整齐是一项费力的任务,但它可以回报你的接下来,我们列出了在熨烫时犯的八个错误以及如何避免这些错误。 看看吧:


    熨斗冷却的时间比加热的时间长,所以先从需要较低温度的材料开始,如涤纶和丝绸。 然后再熨烫棉布和亚麻布。 如果你反其道而行之,你有可能融化或在织物上留下痕迹。

    2. 没有使用正确的熨斗温度

    为了安全地熨烫衣服并去除所有的褶皱,你需要控制熨斗的温度。 每种类型的衣服都需要在一定的温度下熨烫。 如果衣服是由几种面料制成的,在熨斗上选择最脆弱的一种。 这将有助于保持衣服的整体性。

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    残留在底板上的融化纤维和衣物残渣会弄脏织物,因此要清洁它们,可在不插电的冷熨斗底板上涂抹小苏打糊,或者直接用布蘸取中性洗涤剂。 如果你想让它更好地滑行,可在表面涂抹一些家具抛光剂。

    4. 熨烫衣服


    5. 将铁器与水存放在一起


    See_also: 海尼根运动鞋的鞋底有啤酒

    6. 熨烫太轻的服装

    对于较宽松、流动性较强的织物,如薄纱和格子布,可使用手持式蒸汽机,它不会在衣服上留下痕迹和融化。 如果你想在较重的织物上使用,蒸汽无法穿透,只需将衣服翻过来,两面都蒸。

    7. 熨烫已经穿过一次的衣服

    已经穿过的衣服不应再次熨烫。 它们可能最终会出现无法去除的污渍,而且有异味。 熨斗的热量会使衣服上的所有污垢粘在织物上。


    直接在纽扣上熨烫可能会导致纽扣脱落。 正确的做法是在熨烫纽扣所在的部分时打开衬衫,在衣服的反面熨烫。 同时注意在一个纽扣和另一个纽扣之间使用熨斗。

  • 家具和配件 每种类型的衣服有哪些最佳衣架?
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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.