

Brandon Miller

    这是一个事实,即 天然调味品 而随着家庭烹饪的趋势越来越强,你可以在花盆、杯子和小花盆中种植香料,甚至建立一个 迷你菜园 .

    例如,如果你对哪些香料可以种在一起有疑问,不用担心:我们邀请了这方面的专家来帮助你。 J Lira绿色生活公司的景观设计师何塞-利拉建议在家里种植以下香料:韭菜、欧芹、香菜、迷迭香、牛至、百里香、胡椒和罗勒。


    容纳它们的花盆类型将取决于你所拥有的空间。"如果植物在聚乙烯容器、花盆或小花盆中,携带它们去晒太阳比较容易。 还有就是 陶罐 园艺师建议说:"红色或自然色,这是很好的香料",并指出 肥料和土壤 例如,你可以使用堆肥箱里的那些东西。


    所有的香料都可以种在同一个花盆里,中间留有五厘米的空间--它们也可以种在同一个花盆里。 除迷迭香外 它不喜欢分享土地,因此应该被单独安置在地球上,没有 "邻居"。

    没有 特定时间 "他解释说:"早上把花盆放在有阳光的地方,每周做两到三次,如果你不能把它放在早上的阳光下,就把它放在下午的阳光下,下午两点以后。

    See_also: 什么是杂物间以及为什么你应该有一个杂物间


    人们在使用香料和一般植物时最常犯的错误之一是 过量的水 对于香料来说,重要的是要经常湿润叶片以保持其新鲜。

    See_also: 59个波西米亚阳台的灵感

    该专家给出了一个 避免过度的提示 他还说,最好的浇水时间是在早上,直到上午8点,但只有在必要时才浇水:"最理想的是每周浇水三次,如果这个地方有大量的阳光,则每天都浇水",他总结道。


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    • 迷你园艺工具箱,共16件--亚马逊85.99美元: 点击查看!
    • 塑料浇水壶2升-亚马逊R$20,00: 点击查看!

    *产生的链接可能会给Editora Abril带来某种类型的报酬。 价格和产品是在2023年2月咨询的,可能会有变化和可用性。

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  • Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.