Claude Troisgros在SP开设具有家庭氛围的餐厅

 Claude Troisgros在SP开设具有家庭氛围的餐厅

Brandon Miller

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    See_also: 3D模型显示了《陌生人》中房子的所有细节

    谁是友好的法国厨师的粉丝 Claude Troisgros 并住在圣保罗的人现在可以感觉到你在他的家里,因为在26年后,他的品牌以Chez Claude回到了城市的美食地图上。 餐馆 我们的目标是让您有宾至如归的感觉,以不复杂、舒适的建议和可接受的价格,遵循全球趋势。

    抛开形式主义不谈,克劳德和他的儿子托马斯一起,给人们带来了一个 休闲气氛 装饰 迷人的 和周到的服务。 A 厨房 开放 沙龙 这样一来,顾客就可以在行政主厨卡罗尔-阿尔布开克的带领下,跟随厨师们的动作。


    "如果在家里我们通常准备食物与家庭成员分享,那么在Chez Claude也不会有什么不同",托马斯-特罗伊格罗斯说,他和厨师卡罗尔一起在圣保罗首都领导团队。"整个氛围是轻松的。 我们希望人们在我们家有一个愉快和与众不同的体验",托马斯补充。

    在菜单上,不要指望能找到很多页。 简洁的菜单是专为圣保罗公众准备的菜肴,如Bruschetta & Steak Tartare, Scallop Lard (R$34), Watercress Pudding, Gorgonzola, Crisp of Mortadella (R$32), Black Rump steak, Potato leaves, Bordelaise (R$68) and the Fish of the day a Belle Meuniere, Batata ao Murro (R$64). 尽管如此,一些作者经典作品鸡蛋& Caviar Clarisse (R$42)和松露虾烩饭(R$88)等都被保留下来。


    酒吧有一份由调酒师埃斯特万-奥瓦莱(Esteban Ovalle)签名的菜单,还将允许顾客 "协助 "调酒师准备饮料。 其目的毕竟是让人们感到安心和享受,就像他们在朋友家吃午餐或晚餐一样。 除了经典的饮料,如Chez Claude SP,用清酒、糖、柠檬汁、荔枝泡沫与芥末和angostura、和罗阿纳,与8年朗姆酒、杜松子酒、干苦艾酒、黑苦艾酒和苦橙酒搭配,是作者的选择之一。





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    See_also: 今日名言:眼镜蛇珊瑚椅

    Brandon Miller

    Brandon Miller is an accomplished interior designer and architect with over a decade of experience in the industry. After completing his degree in architecture, he went on to work with some of the top design firms in the country, honing his skills and learning the ins and outs of the field. Eventually, he branched out on his own, founding his own design firm that focused on creating beautiful and functional spaces that perfectly suit the needs and preferences of his clients.Through his blog, Follow Interior Design Tips, Architecture, Brandon shares his insights and expertise with others who are passionate about interior design and architecture. Drawing on his many years of experience, he provides valuable advice on everything from selecting the right color palette for a room to choosing the perfect furniture for a space. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the principles that underpin great design, Brandon's blog is a go-to resource for anyone who wants to create a stunning and functional home or office.